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Edenpark Primary Sponsors

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Edenpark Primary Schools Sponsors Page aims to show appreciation to all our existing sponsors that have played a role in helping shape our schools Vision and Mission in order for our school to achieve the desired results. Edenpark Primary School highly appreciates each and every single one of you therefore, we are more than excited to have you all advertised on here so that our public can be aware of the wonderful work that you have done for us as a school...



As Edenpark Primary School, we would like to extend our gratitude in thanking our service provider Smart-synergy Communications for donating 20 pairs of shoes to some of our learners that are in desperate need of school shoes, we would also like to mention that we are proud that our relationship with Smart-synergy Communications has went beyond just them being our service provider now that they have also stepped in as an upper hand to help assist some our disadvantaged learners with their needs.

"Another moment captured by Synergy thank you for sponsoring our school and making this hardship times in our community less stressful for our parents who cannot afford to buy shoes for there kids, Edenpark SGB is grateful 🙏🙏"


-Mr G Klaaste 

(Edenpark Primary SGB Chairperson)



Schools play an essential role in every community, and since children eventually grow up to become members of the same communities, it stands to reason that community members should take an active role in ensuring that teaching and learning take place without any socio-economical hinderance.


Eden Park Primary would like to thank Ms Rozelle Reed and *Mr Gajoo Rashid for their generous sponsorship of school shoes. This act of kindness and generosity will ensure that the next generation of community members are not left behind.



Urcsa Edenpark/ Vgksa Edenpark, is a spiritual dweling place where the Triune God himself calls people to His service.
Urcsa Edenpark is Part of the Southern Regional Synod & the Church is in the Presbytery of Johannesburg, which consists of 12 Congregations. Urcsa-Edenpark is a vibrant congregation which has a full time Presiding Minister Rev Kelebogile Mekoa.


The Church, together with the Southern Synod, has embarked this year on a Project of School Shoes 👞 for Primary School learners who are underprivileged & have no School shoes.
We have given School shoes to the following Schools:

1. Edenpark Primer School
2. Edenridge Primary Scool
3. Stoneridge Primary School
4. Opelweg Primary School.


For more information contact:

Rev Kelebogile Mekoa
Email address:

© 2022 Edenpark Primary School. Proudly created by Smart-Synergy Communications

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