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Welcome to our school's SGB Members,

The following are Edenpark School's SGB committee.

School's SGB Member Welcome,


"We striving for excellence"





K Oliphant

School's SGB Member Welcome,


"I never ever took the interest of the Parent of this School for granted and the community as a whole serving on the SGB has made my faith in the Lord grow stronger cause whenever I adres Parents I ask for wisdom from the Lord cause I need a fresh anointing when addressing them The current SGB lives by the Motto that our footsteps are ordered by Lord cause we acknowledge the Lord in ever achievement in the school"


G.S Klaaste
SGB Chairperson

School's SGB Member Welcome,


"The Lord is my light & my salvation whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life of whom shall I be afraid? Ps 27:1"




A. Morkel
Deputy SGB Member

School's SGB Member Welcome,


"Financial literacy is not an end in itself but a step by step begins in childhood and continues throughout a person's life all the way to retirement. Instilling the Financial-literacy message in children is especially important, because they will carry it for the rest of their lives" (John Adam's 2nd president of the US




G. Soetmelk
SGB Treasurer

School's SGB Member Welcome,


"Patience is a virtue"

Martin Luther King Jr.




T.B Sebusi
SGB Secretary

School's SGB Member Welcome,


"Building bridges, fostering unity good education is the priority"




T.F Olifant
Dedputy Secretary

School's SGB Member Welcome,


"Stay far from timid, only make moves when your heart's in it,, and live the phrase" SKY IS THE LIMIT,"



B.H Phillips

Teacher Component

School's SGB Member Welcome,


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SGB Member

School's SGB Member Welcome,


"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” There are no shortcuts to any place worth doing."




J Bezuidenhoud
SGB Member

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