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Ukwamukelwa kweNhloko yeSikole,

Uyemukelwa eGreenfields Primary School, indawo ekhetheke ngempela yokufunda ndawonye. Ngibe nenjabulo yokufundisa nokuhola izikole kule minyaka engama-20 edlule futhi ngithola injabulo enkulu ukubona izingane nabantu abasha bekhula futhi beba ngcono kakhulu. Ngingathanda ithuba lokuhlanganyela ulwazi lwethu nawe.

Ngiyethemba iwebhusayithi yethu kanye ne-prospectus izokunikeza umbono wempilo eGreenfields. Nginesiqiniseko sokuthi uzoba nemibuzo eminingi mayelana nokubeka imfundo nokunakekelwa kwezingane nentsha esikoleni nakubasebenzi.

Sineqembu labasebenzi engiziqhenya ngalo, likhuthazeka kakhulu futhi lizinikele, lilwela ukuhlinzeka abafundi ngamathuba akhona okukhula nokuthuthuka. Umsebenzi wethu ukuqinisekisa ukuthi sonke sifunda ndawonye, ​​silandela i-Greenfields Trail, - Ukuyala, Ukuzibophezela kanye nempumelelo.

Ukusisekela kulokhu sicela wonke umphakathi wethu ukuthi uzibophezele ku "UMOYA" waseGreenfields umqulu wethu wesikole oveza ukuthi sivumelana kanjani ukufunda ndawonye. Abafundi baseGreenfields Primary bayazuza futhi bathuthuke kahle kakhulu. Sinezindawo ezinhle kakhulu futhi sifisa ukwakha imvelo yokufunda esekela isidingo sabafundi.

UMnu Bila MR
Inhloko yeSikole

Our Vision & Mission


The vision of Eden Park Primêr/Primary School is the maintenance of and expansion of our school’s mainly Christian character, with due regard and respect for our religious convictions. We stand to provide quality education to all our learners without prejudice with regard to religion, language, colour or gender as well as the creation of a pleasing and welcoming climate such that it fosters collaboration and inclusivity.


We the educator’s corps, bind us to the upliftment and advancement of the school’s vision through:

  • The maintenance of a healthy balance between the academic, cultural and sporting activities.

  • Dedication, professionalism, professional and democratic manner.

  • The co-operation of all the stakeholders the educators, GDE, learners and parents, to improve the physical resources to create a pleasant learning experience for all our learners.

  • The provision of extracurricular activities through which the learner’s interest in sport and culture could be stimulated so as to make them cultured and well-rounded citizens of our country.

  • To celebrate diversity through recognising potential and reducing barriers to learning.

  • Increasing the competence of teachers as teachers to act on their recognition of emotional and social factors affecting children’s learning capacity

Our History

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© 2021 Isikole samabanga aphansi iGreenfields. Ngokuziqhenya kudalwe yi-Smart-Synergy Communications

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